24 June 2009

In all thy ways...

"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths"
Proverbs 3:6

"All your ways"

This is everything we do. From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the second before we fall asleep at night. This has to be an every waking moment process. Initially, it will have to be a conscious effort, but gradually, as we apply the method to every waking moment of our lives, it will become second nature.

It won't be hard to think about because it becomes ingrained in us. All activity in our lives is "all your ways" and once those ways involve Him, Acknowledging Him, enabling Him to influence our lives, becomes clearer.

"Acknowledge Him"

Weather it be an obvious act of praise or worship, attending a church service, all the way down to writing a work related email, acknowledgement at every level, in every seemingly mundane or repetitive or unconscious task can itself be an acknowledgement of the overwhelming influence He has in all aspects of our lives. Acknowledgement, giving thanks, being aware, all can be not too difficultly integrated into EVERY waking moment. The act of "Acknowledge(ing) Him" never becomes unconscious, but may become automatic and the awareness of that acknowledgement can and will have a profound impact on our lives.

"...He shall direct thy paths."

I'm not going to begin to pretend that I'm even remotely qualified to say anything about how He directs our paths. All I know is that 24/7 acknowledgement of Him does have a profound impact on what choices I have made in my life. We've all heard of the "stop and think" method of decision-making. Well safe to say that decision making, whilst acknowledging Him is bound to have an impact. Ignoring His voice in these matters not only hurts the decision makers, it hurts everyone involved. Too many times I have ignored His "direction" and it never turns out for the best. The plus side however is that not matter what choices we make, or what heartache it causes, He will never let us fall to a level we can't bounce back from. He never stops caring. Everything ultimately is for the glory of His Kingdom!

To sum up... His path is shown to us by Him through our acknowledgement of Him in all our ways!

"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths"
Proverbs 3:6

1 comment:

Drew said...

Yay Andrew!! Excellent post. I like the way you think!